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    Tips for an Amazing Ella Train Experience

    tips for an amazing ella train experience

    The Ella train journey in Sri Lanka is often lauded as one of the world's most scenic rail trips, a captivating experience that winds through the lush landscapes of the Sri Lankan highlands. This journey isn’t just about reaching your destination but embracing the myriad of sensory experiences along the way. Here’s your guide to making the most of this unforgettable adventure.

    Ella Train Experience

    Tips for an Amazing Ella Train Experience - © Thecommonwanderer

    Revel in the Rugged Beauty of Ella's Landscape

    Amidst the emerald blanket that cloaks Ella, the journey is peppered with more than just scenic vistas; it is an invitation to immerse yourself in the raw, pulsating heart of nature. From the majestic sweep of the Nine Arches Bridge to the inviting trails that wind through the highlands, each step is a story unfolding.

    Ella train journey scenic views

    Ella train journey scenic views - © Visitinsrilanka

    Discover the Enchantment of Waterfalls

    Ella, translating to 'waterfall', lives up to its name with an abundance of cascading waters that beckon travelers from all paths. The thrill of swimming in a waterfall like Diyaluma—the second highest in Sri Lanka—is almost a rite of passage here. As you dive into the cool depths, the rush of the falls echoes the untamed spirit of the land. Remember, these natural wonders are as free as the air you breathe in Ella—no tickets, no guides, just pure, unadulterated beauty waiting to be experienced.

    Diluyama water fall

    Diyaluma water fall - © Voyageinstyle

    Tread the Path Less Travelled

    While the allure of Instagram-worthy spots is undeniable, Ella offers a treasure trove of hidden gems for those willing to explore. Venture beyond the well-trodden paths to find secret spots like Kombukar Ella or the quaint, less-visited vistas beyond Ella Rock. Here, the beauty of Ella unfolds in whispers and you can sit in solitude, away from the crowds, in places only known to those who dare to wander.


    Kandy to Ella train - © Digitaltravelcouple

    Culinary Delights in the Heart of Ella

    Engage in a culinary adventure that tantalizes your taste buds while offering a slice of local life. Participate in a cooking class at local favorites like Matey Hut, where the secret ingredients are always love and a generous splash of traditional spices. Or, if you prefer a more spontaneous culinary experience, explore the small, family-run Sky Restaurant where the dishes are as authentic as the smiles that serve them.

    Villa Rosa Restaurant

    Villa Rosa Restaurant - © Hiamag

    Engage with the Community

    Ella is not just a place to visit, but a community to engage with. The warm-hearted locals are the stewards of the hills and have preserved their customs and heritage amidst the waves of tourism. By choosing to participate in local activities and respecting the natural environment, visitors contribute positively to the sustainability of this enchanting locale.

    Locals waiting to get on the train to Colombo

    Locals waiting to get on the train to Colombo - © Businessinsider

    Embrace the Adventure, Respect the Land

    As you set out to explore Ella, remember that the magic of this place lies not just in its stunning landscapes but in its fragile ecosystem. Travel responsibly, respecting the trails and the traditions that make Ella unique. Whether it's by opting for eco-friendly travel options or supporting local businesses, every choice you make helps preserve Ella's enchanting allure for future adventurers.

    Srilanka Ella tunnel jump

    ​Ella tunnel - © Littleadventurertravels

    Main Attractions/Features: The Heartbeat of the Highlands

    Kandy to Ella - The Route to Paradise

    The train journey from Kandy to Ella is a spectacle of nature’s splendor. Starting at Kandy, a city nestled among hills and adorned with a rich history, the train ascends through the diverse landscapes of Sri Lanka's highlands. The route presents a visual symphony of emerald tea plantations where women, with their backs warmed by the sun, meticulously pick tea leaves—a tradition that has shaped the region for centuries. The vibrant tapestry is intermittently dotted with waterfalls cascading down rugged cliffs, offering travelers fleeting, yet mesmerizing views.

    Sri Lanka train landscape

    The train line through Ella comes from Colombo - © Katistravelling

    The Nine Arches Bridge - A Marvel of Engineering

    This colossal bridge, draped in folklore and surrounded by dense jungle, is more than just a crossing—it's a journey back in time. Constructed during the British colonial period without any iron, the bridge showcases the ingenuity of old-world craftsmanship. As the train slowly chugs across, travelers are treated to a panoramic view of the valley below. The echo of the train as it moves over the arches, combined with the sight of the misty forest below, creates an ethereal experience, making it a highlight of the trip.

    Nine Arches Bridge Ella train

    Nine Arches Bridge Ella train - © Dreambigtravelfarblog

    The Changing Landscapes

    As the train climbs higher, the landscape transforms dramatically. Watch as the urban tapestry of Kandy transitions into lush greenery and then into mist-covered mountaintops. Each bend in the track offers a new tableau—whether it’s a village church, a local school letting out, or a solitary monk walking a forest path. These fleeting glimpses into daily life in the highlands add a profound depth to the journey.

    Train ride from Kandy to Nanu Oya

    Train ride from Kandy to Nanu Oya - © Nick Brundle / Shutterstock

    Hidden Gems/Additional Insights: Beyond the Beaten Track

    Morning Dew and Sunrise

    An early morning ride is highly recommended for those who wish to experience the mystical beauty of the highlands at dawn. The first light of day illuminates the misty mountains, creating a surreal landscape. The dew on the foliage sparkles as the sun’s rays touch them, turning the journey into a glittering spectacle of light and nature.

    Sri Lanka train sunrise

    Sri Lanka train sunrise - © Poorna90

    The Haputale Loops

    As the train nears Haputale, the tracks loop back on themselves in a marvel of engineering designed to manage the steep gradient of the hills. This section provides travelers with the unique experience of seeing the front or end of the train as it curves around the loops, offering exceptional photographic opportunities.

    Haputale Loops train

    Haputale Loops train - © Walkmyworld

    Cultural Connections: Echoes of the Past

    The journey on the Ella train is like moving through a living museum, displaying the blend of colonial and native traditions. Stations along the route still bear the quaint, colonial charm with their old-fashioned ticket counters and time-worn benches. Each station has its own story, often tied to the local community and its evolution over the decades.


    Kandy To Ella Train - © Anywhereweroam

    Conclusion: A Journey Like No Other

    The Ella train ride is more than just a mode of transport; it’s a passage through the heart of Sri Lanka's enchanting highlands. With every turn and tunnel, the train reveals the spectacular beauty and rich tapestry of culture that makes this route a bucket-list adventure. So, board with a spirit of adventure and leave with memories etched into your soul. Check out our Sri Lanka Tour at Asian Online Tour.​
